Everything You Need To Know About Infrastructure Project Management

Infrastructure projects are vital for every country across the globe. It is what lets us to commute on an everyday basis or to have power in the buildings we’re living & working. Motorways, new metro stations and schools are just a few instances of why infrastructure construction projects are so critical for a country.

Infrastructure project management could simply be explained as the supervision of infrastructure construction projects. From a general perspective, it follows the same procedures and principles as other types of project management in construction.


The slightest interruption in one aspect of an infrastructure may lead to serious deferrals in the whole project resulting in budget overruns and expensive disagreements between the different shareholders.

What are the different types of infrastructure construction projects?

Of course, not all infrastructure construction projects are the same. Irrespective of the similar pains they’ve to battle against, there’re many different kinds of such projects.

Roads & highways: These projects mainly focus on repair & upkeep as the rebuilding of a complete road can be costly. In the event of a highway, things might vary a little with the rebuilding or expansion to be considered as one of the primary options.


Rail: The development & upkeep of rail depots and infrastructure is another area of great activity in infrastructure projects. Their foremost objective is to decrease congestion for passengers, support the renaissance of diverse neighbourhoods and link cities and areas in a fast and proficient way.

Telecommunication infrastructure: Telecommunications cover a wide range of technologies & services that connect the whole globe. Relying upon the geographic location the quality of telecommunication might differ.

Bridges: Another common yet really critical infrastructure project has to do with the construction or repair of bridges. They can offer superb service with regard to lessening traffic but they come with massive admin load. One of the major challenges is the repair and maintenance of bridges as they persistently accommodate a large number of people.


How infrastructure projects construction management software can boost efficiency?

Top infrastructure project management software like ISETIA aids in project planning & scheduling, including the different kinds of schedules employed in construction industry with sequencing of operations in a construction project and the effective use of schedules created with a work breakdown structures. The features & functions of infrastructure project management software includes, specifying project goals & plans including delineation of scope, budgeting, scheduling, setting performance requirements, and choosing project partakers. Time, costs, human resources, risks, issues, communication and lessons learned can be all managed in the 3P Management module of ISETIA.

Get in touch with KL iTech Solutions, if you want to know more about ISETIA – the best Infrastructure Projects Construction Management software available today.

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5 Kinds of Infrastructure Construction Projects

Infrastructure projects emphasize on the development & maintenance of services, facilities, and systems. These can be financed by private firms, publicly, or pooled as a public-private association (a collaboration of government bodies & private sector firms). The private investments can aid manage the fiscal development of a city, state or a whole country.


What are the different kinds of infrastructure projects?

Current infrastructure construction is not the same sort that your grandpa implemented. Construction trends put emphasis on technology & other state-of-the-art improvements, to contribute to our economic growth and wellbeing. We use & consume services and products associated to different sorts of infrastructure daily while flying on an airplane, driving to work, visiting the doctor’s office and even going to the bathroom. To have a better insight of how they play a part in our lives, listed below are 5 kinds of infrastructure constructions:

Aviation infrastructure:

Aviation infrastructure projects develop & maintain airplanes and airports. This form of construction is an important part of the global transportation system.

Bridge infrastructure:

Bridge infrastructure construction manages the expenses of building & maintaining bridges all through the country. This encompasses heavily-trafficked highway bridges that are accessed every day.


Communications infrastructure:

The communications infrastructure sector emphasizes on the link between businesses, government agencies, and nation through cable, wireless, satellite and other technologies. Government and private sectors work collectively, assuring that interruptions are fixed and updates keep wireless networks well organized.

Railroad infrastructure:

Railroad infrastructure is the lifeline of the Global transportation system. The sector is accountable for modernizing & protecting subways, trains, and light rail systems. This encompasses track layout, bridges and tunnels.

Road infrastructure:

Road infrastructure construction builds new streets and fixes roads, streets, and highway systems for mass transportation. Also it manages developing transportation projects that grant superior transportation access to communities.


For efficient infrastructure construction project management, ISETIA is the best software available today. This software is ideal for tunnel construction project management, transmission tower construction project management, railway construction project management, pipeline construction project management, etc. Call KL iTech Solutions if you want to get started with ISETIA.






Increase Efficiency With The Best Infrastructure Project Management Software

Managing an infrastructure project is no child’s play. There’re several parameters that need to be considered for a project to commence and finish on time and on budget. Tasks and stakeholders are inseparably linked to each other so each modification to the decided plan matters.

That being said, it’s of utmost significance that the programme is followed with accuracy and that all shareholders have access to an integrated hub where all info is stored.


Listed below are some of the major challenges that appear on a regular infrastructure project in construction:

  • Finding a way to improve work competence across numerous stakeholders
  • Enabling better communication on & off-site
  • Tracking project performance proficiently
  • Collaborating & communicating proficiently with all project shareholders
  • Having perceptible contractual requirements
  • Checking project standing in real time

How infrastructure project management software can increase efficiency?

Becoming better in delivering projects on time & on budget is no easy feat. There’re specific steps that must be followed to make sure a successful outcome. Here are a few ways infrastructure project management software can aid you increase the productivity of your projects:

Alignment & integration:

Working with a variety of software tools for diverse disciplines and functions is a given on the majority of infrastructure projects. Integrating these tools & processes on one platform assures best & efficient use of data.

With software integration you can improve the use of your existing systems and combine factors such as cost, quality, time, resources and safety.


Better connection between the client & the supply chain:

Developing a better communication flow across the supply chain is significant for the success of each infrastructure project. Also, adding the client to the equation can assure that a project will continue with lesser delays & misapprehensions.

Smart reporting:

Report take a considerable amount of time & effort in the course of any infrastructure project. With infrastructure project management software like ISETIA, you can combine all your data into detailed and valuable construction reports.

You can easily distribute field reports intermittently and converse overall process. Furthermore, you can document all the essential info for your site diary and daily logs without having to tackle the huge admin and mental burden that approach with it.


Eventually, by maintaining a thorough record of each action around the project you’ll never have to wonder what actually occurred and you can easily recover any info that you might require at any time.


ISETIA software aims to cover the requirements of all levels of project management and collaboration in an extraordinary multidimensional visualization and interactive way. This software is tailor-made for transmission tower construction project management, infrastructure projects construction management , project management for pipeline construction projects, etc. For more info about ISETIA, feel free to get in touch with KL iTech Solutions at +91-44-4863-5454!

Tips To Choose the Right Construction Project Management Software

Construction projects are highly structured endeavours, for example, construction of tunnels, pipelines, roadways, railways and so on. They’ve exceedingly high volumes of resources & manpower that must be accurately coordinated. 

Just like any other project, construction project management too has phases, from design to planning to scheduling to the execution. Each of these phases are complex enough by themselves, but in congress with the entire project, they grow exponentially more complicated. This is where construction project management software comes into play. 


Construction project management software has transformed the way planning professionals have increased their output, efficiency for their organizations. The types of responsibilities managed by project managers, site engineers, and project architects are now managed through some of the most highly efficient softwares. It’s estimated that the majority of all contractors employ some sort of construction software for estimating costs, accounting, project management, scheduling and computer-aided design. This has resulted in a multitude of such software accessible to the construction industry, yet this burst of software options has made it tough to find one that’s comprehensive enough to meet all the needs of construction professionals. 

How to choose the right construction project management tool?

Choosing the correct construction project management software can be tedious due to the massive number of applications and features provided in these tools. The industry you serve in matters as well. 

For instance, the ideal software for specialty contractors (utility contractors or heavy/highway contractors) mayn’t be appropriate for general contractors. That is because the latter deal with different kinds of projects & have diverse integration requirements. 


Heavy/highway contractors generally require specialized niche features & scale integrations. On the contrary, general contractors require project management features & integration with bid management systems to manage subcontractor bids. 

It is essential that you analyse your requirements and match each needs to a pertinent feature. This’ll avoid wasting time and money on construction project management tools that are not a good fit. 

Use ISETIA – Construction Management Software for various Projects:

ISETIA aims to cover the requirements of all levels of project management & collaboration in a remarkable multidimensional visualization and interactive manner. This construction management tool is ideal for Tunnel Construction Projects Management, transmission tower construction project management, project management for pipeline construction projects, project management for railway construction projects and infrastructure projects construction management


If you are looking for a professional & real-time collaboration platform that makes project management fast, simple and effective, give ISETIA a try. For more information on this construction project management software, feel free to get in touch with KL iTech Solutions.

How To Improve The Efficiency Of Your Construction Project

Construction projects that go over budget & off schedule are a nightmare for construction project managers. Cost overruns & schedule delays affect your bottom line. So how do you run your operation more efficiently? Here, we’ve outlined a few easy ways to improve construction efficiency on your project:


Improve your planning:

Most construction efficiency errors are made during the planning phase. If you did not conduct your homework on exactly how many cubic yards of concrete you require for a project, and then halfway through come to know you require two times as much by tomorrow if you are going to stay on schedule, guess who is going to have a big headache? Of course: it is you.

You must allocate time prior to the project starts to find out the people, information, processes, materials and equipment you will require before you begin work. It is the best way to steer clear of delays & cost increases.

Start employing Building Information Modeling (BIM):

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is sweeping the construction industry. It refers to the process of making digital depictions of buildings you have not even started pouring cement for yet. These creations let you visualize a building prior to your start spending money & oblige to a schedule that may end up proving impractical.


For instance, Building Information Modeling can determine how many occupants might go in & out of a building every day, and henceforth let you reckon the most competent setup of pump sizes, water heater sizes, and other considerations.

Find reliable construction management software:

Quality construction management software like ISETIA can keep you organized and free from the chaos of paperwork on your desk, letting you focus on actually building stuff.

The software can manage bid management, billing & invoicing, contractors, document management, incident reporting, leads, time sheets, job scheduling, and so much more.

There is also a wide range of mobile apps that can handle all the tasks you have been trying to manage with paperwork. The advent of cloud as a place to store everything also makes it easier than ever

Using ISETIA Construction Management Software for different projects:


ISETIA is proven as a professional & real-time collaboration platform that makes construction project management really simpler, fast, and effective. This software is ideal for transmission tower construction project management, project management for pipeline construction projects, project management for railway construction projects, tunnel construction projects management, infrastructure projects and construction management. This project management software is constantly developing and can be tailored to exact needs of the sectors you are working for.