What Are the Benefits of Construction Cost Estimation Software

The construction industry has also benefited significantly from the technological improvements that have taken place over the last few years. The innovation of construction estimating software has constructively affected the way professionals do their business & attain their objectives.

Since their introduction on the market, construction estimating software have turned out to be increasingly more instinctive, letting industry pros to select task-specific programs and bespoke platforms to make estimates.


Listed below are some of the top reasons to consider employing construction estimation software for your organization.


In this competitive market where economy is always fluctuating, it is very tough for companies to keep track of subcontractor expenses, equipment costs, labour burden, material expense and other financial matters. Construction management software gives businesses with the tools to track vital data, such as back orders, stored materials and other things associated to a new build. Construction estimating software lets your company to institute a job’s closest true cost, offering cost accuracy for projects while identifying labour costs & the total capacity of materials required.


Improved project administration:

Yet another useful feature, construction estimating tool also allows for improved project management. Your whole crew can line up their operations more effectively with the software – procurements & purchases become more affordable, correspondence is clearer & more consistent, and most notably, tracking items becomes smooth and remarkably more competent. Many researches also have shown that the majority of pro contractors favour cost estimation software over other modes of cost appraising, as it lets them remain structured and streamline their time management and workflow.



If you are yet to use cost estimating software in your construction business, it is the right time to implement it right now. As any construction professional knows, keeping track of incurring expenditures associated to labour, material, equipment and the overall expense of a project needs frequent maintenance. Construction management software offers you the closest estimation of cost for a specific project, allowing for a precise standpoint on any provided construction project. Also it provides a range of convenience – apart for the accuracy it offers, also it lets you virtually communicate and edit projects, further allowing your team’s capability to track the output of your project with ease.


Why buy an individual construction cost estimation software when you can avail a complete construction management software with all the features needed for efficient management of construction projects. KL iTech Solutions provides a highly integrated digital transformation tool, named as ISETIA for smooth construction workflows throughout the entire project lifecycle. ISETIA enables you to execute different operations through right coordination & control of planning, design, estimation, contract, and construction in the entire process.For more information email us at senthilkumar@klitech.in or call us at 9940668885 .






What Are the Advantages Good Business Process Management (BPM)

The delineation of business process management (BMP) is wide-ranging but it can be reduced to a systematic approach to making the workflow of a company more effective & dependable for better understanding. Below we have highlighted how business of any size can be benefited from BPM technology.


Cost efficiency:

Simply reducing budgets is no more a practical option in companies that have become leaner in response to global financial conditions during recent years. There simply isn’t much left to cut. However, in order to prosper, companies still have to make the most of the efficiency of the costs they do incur and revenue they generate. And good business process management is an excellent tactic towards maximizing cost efficiency by restricting business operations & collaboration, automating recurring tasks, enhancing product quality and decreasing corporate risks.


Better respond to consumer demands:

Speaking of offering consumers what they wish, business process management can aid you identify these demands and respond fast to references. Processes themselves are of late becoming more focused on the consumer than on pure productivity. People now ask how to better meet client requirements.

You can thus enhance processes to fulfil these demands. Making these changes also leads to other critical modifications that upgrade your output & overall efficiency.


Complete visibility:

BPM employs refined software to track & observe business processes from start to competition. Good business process management allows for a continuing register of automated processes, measuring the efficiencies of every step in real time. Automated monitoring discloses the performance of each business process without depending on labour-intensive manual methods. By studying the performance of every step in the process, management can have a better insight of the overall business activity, further allowing them adjust or amend the flow of every business process.


If your organization is looking for a competent business process management software, you can consider ISETIA from KL iTech Solutions. ISETIA is a truly functional and source of real time information made accessible to project managers and project stakeholders. The common data environment will help in bringing in new partnerships, collaboration, improving construction workflows, reducing project life cycles and resulting in better outcomes. For more information email us at senthilkumar@klitech.in or call us at 9940668885 .






How to Collaborate On Your Next Construction Project Successfully

As construction projects are turning out to be more and more complicated, effective collaboration is increasingly becoming an important factor in finishing projects on time and within budget while giving a quality product to the client. Good collaboration leads to numerous benefits such as time & cost savings, innovation, decreased errors, added value for the client, and unwanted rework.


Accomplishing good collaboration needs meticulous planning, coordination, and buy-in form all parties engaged in the project. Listed below are a few tips for effectively collaborating on your next construction project.

Start early:

Collaboration must start in the early planning phases of a project. Bringing in the major players on a project, architect, engineers, general contractors and owner can lead to better design and decision making.

It is critical to depend on the knowledge and expertise base of the whole project team which can upshot in true improvement in approaching the project. A well-organized team will lead to improved project performance and decrease risks for all engaged.



Good communication play a pivotal role when it comes to successful project collaboration. On a construction project it is critical to determine a chain of command for communication. These are usually explained in the contract documents and generally need the owner and general contractor to communicate with one another through the architect. The architect is accountable for communicating with its consultants and the general contractor is liable for communicating info to the suppliers and subcontractors. The manager of a project is usually the primary point of contact for the general contractor.


Instituting a clear communication that includes identifying points of contact with contact information for key team members is crucial to assuring that information is getting to the right people in a timely manner. If there is a breakdown in communication, collaboration will definitely fail.

Integrated software solutions:

In construction, technology has had a dramatic impact in enhancing communication and enabling stronger collaboration over the last few years. Everything from tablets and smartphones to Building Information Modeling and cloud-based project collaboration software has made it simpler to tackle construction projects.

Word Art

Collaboration is important to productively move a project from estimating to the field. Integrated software solutions can be a main asset if you want drive consistency and enable collaboration. When your team members have access to the same info in real-time, it speeds up the process and makes conversations more fruitful. For more information email us at senthilkumar@klitech.in or call us at 9940668885 .






How to Tackle the Challenges Involved With Construction Document Management

Document management mightn’t sound desirable, but efficient document management is vital to the success of construction projects. As contractors shift from pen & paper to digital, paperless operating environments, they’ve discovered an array of solutions for document management available to them, some more sophisticated than others.

The challenges of construction document management:

Document management isn’t a small thing. Contracts, compliance documentation, drawings and specs and more all assure a project is executed as per plan. These documents play a central role in construction. But several common challenges emerge related to document management, even in modern construction companies:


Version mix-up: As revisions take place, multiple versions of documents are generated. Which involved parties mayn’t be aware of or have instant access to. This can easily lead to errors and rework if team consult an outmoded document.

Access difficulties: Finding the correct paper documents can take time but accessing digital documents in the field can be time-consuming as well. Slow VPNs, internet connectivity problems, file permission issues and other interruptions can emerge, particularly when more than one digital solutions are used to store, send or access documents.


Wasted time: Without an integrated repository for documents, everybody spends extra time looking for what they require.

Centralize your data:

The first step to getting a control over document management at your company is to centralize your documents. An integrated software that gives access to the most up-to-date project documents in real time makes it easier for all personnel of your project team to find what they require and implement a project properly.

Make documents accessible anywhere:

Then, you’ve to make that single document source readily accessible to everybody who needs it. Cloud-based document storage lets your crew access documents in the field, often from a web browser.


ISETIA, for example, can be accessed using a computer in the office, or a smartphone out in the field thanks to its easy-to-use browser interface. This allows for real-time sharing & viewing of critical documents. It consist of a customizable folder structure, so it is simple to navigate, and includes a complete version history and audit trail so you can see who has made modifications to documents.

The best document management software like ISETIA is highly customizable, so you can set up a user interface and filing system that makes sense for your business. An integrated, dependable document management solution eventually allows better collaboration for everybody working on your project and provides you more control over documentation. You don’t need to be concerned of incorrect data floating around & leading to mistakes on your jobsites.


Get in touch with KL iTech Solutions, whether you are looking for the best document management or the most Effective Project Management Information Systems out there. ISETIA can be your ultimate solution if you are looking for fully integrated project management and document management functionality in one platform. For more information email us at senthilkumar@klitech.in or call  us at 9940668885  or you can visit our business profile






Frequently Asked Questions About Construction Document Management System

If you are reading this post, then possibilities are your construction document management system needs an overhaul. Gone are the days when paper, pen, and a filing cabinet could keep your documentation safe, organized, and easily accessible. In an ever-changing world, construction document management is quickly evolving. Most corporations today are using document management software to get the job done.


Why construction firm have a strong need for document management system?

All businesses need to track, organize, share, and manage their important documents – but because of the nature of construction work a secure, cloud-based document management software is especially important for construction documents. Since construction project implementation consist of complicated project management & shareholder collaboration, construction firms have an especially strong need for a robust document management software.


Why employ software to store construction documents?

Construction projects need association with several shareholders, managing communications across teams, and assuring everybody is working off of current up-to-date construction documents such as drawings. Change of orders, and RFIs. In the construction industry, it’s important to have project documents organized into a single source of truth. This assures that the whole construction crew has the complete & up-to-date info they require in order to accomplish the job properly.


What benefits expected from a robust document management system?

  • Enhanced collaboration: By storing construction documents in a cloud-based, digital platform, you are allowed to easily provide stakeholders and team members with the appropriate level of access & visibility.
  • Save time & decrease managerial load: When you’ve a single source of truth for accessing project info, everybody can get the info they require with lesser emails, phone calls, and disruptions.
  • Cost savings: With a digital document storage solution by your side, you can decrease paper, printing, and managerial expenses related with manual processes.

What are some of the features to look for in a document management system?

  • Unrestricted storage – You must be able to save all your important project documents in place, for a single source of truth. Choose a system with no restriction on storage to ensure you don’t need to pick and choose.
  • In the cloud – With a cloud-based document management system, you can access project documents like drawings, change orders, financial info such as budgets & costs, submittals , and more from anywhere, even from the field on mobile gadgets such as tablets and smartphones.
  • Unlimited Users: With robust permission & access control ensure everybody on the project team, including vendors, subcontractors, and other external shareholders have the info they require.

Give ISETIA a try if you are looking for fully integrated project management and document management functionality in one platform. Call KL iTech Solutions for more info! You can mail us at senthilkumar@klitech.in .






What Are the Benefits Of A Reliable Document Management System In Construction

Bidding documents, scopes of work, contractor agreements, bill of quantities: These are just some of the documents needed for any construction project – and that is prior to any actual building starts. Keeping an eye on all these paperwork, noting changes, and communicating updates to the correct people can quickly go out of control without right document management. Therefore figuring out a good construction document management system is really critical.


What are the advantages of construction document management?

A reliable document management system in construction provide shareholders these major benefits:

Institute a single source of truth:

Working together as a team needs a constant stream of communication. When you make decisions as straightforward as approving a purchase requisition or contractor engagement, you require instant access to dependable info like status & pricing. In brief, you & your crew require a single source of truth that everybody can rely on.

The bestdocument and project management software like ISETIA provide a central, easy-to-access repository for all the documents that are important to a project. This centralization is critical to proficient collaboration, reducing errors, preventing replica documents, and more.


Improves communication between and among departments and shareholders:

Besides creating an integrated storage space for important documents, good document management can enhance the communication quality between and among departments and internal and external shareholders, including contractors & subcontractors, project managers, accounting, and job site workers.

Helps control & decrease spend:

Cost overrun is a major problem with enterprise projects, with 3 out of ten projects surpassing their original budgets. One effective way to conquer cost overrun is with a well-organized document management process. Your company gains when everybody works from the same set of plans and knows when charges are done.


For instance, a general contractor who has the most up-to-date set of blueprints, timelines, and scopes of work knows what to prioritize and when. Moreover, he’ll know which changes to execute and which to ignore. Having this knowledge in-hand means the general contractor can concentrate on the appropriate task at the appropriate time, all of which keeps costs down.

In building your document management system, you’ve several options. Since the integrity of your system will depend on the software you select, ensure to choose one that’ll be solid enough to take care of your needs.


As you look for the Best Document and Project Management Software for your construction project, look for a software that:

Top 4 Document Management Systems In 2021

Document management system or DMS is a system employed to create, store, manage, and track electronic documents & images of paper based documents via software. DMS began as a means to convert paper documents into digital documents. Therefore, DMS is sometimes referred to as an electronic filing cabinet.


A document management system can have an immense impact on the way your business operates. It provides you more time to concentrate on the pressing areas of your business as it makes capturing, digitizing, and tagging documents fast and simple. A food document management system gives you useful benefits alongside automated document managements, such as improved security, collaboration, and automated regulatory compliance.

Listed below are the top 4 document management system available in 2021:


Founded in 1988, DocuWare is a leading document management system which is available in sixteen languages and employed by major organizations such as Sony and IKEA. DocuWare gives digital document management & automated workflow solutions. It’s ideal for companies of any size and across all major industries, from retail and manufacturing to healthcare and government.


Dropbox Business:

Dropbox is a cloud-based file storage & collaboration software engineered for the modern workspace to decrease busywork so that you can concentrate on the things that matter. Dropbox Business aids your organization grow without limits while you maintain absolute control over critical company data & user activity. Dropbox Business is best suited for collaboration across a team of users.


eFileCabinet gives businesses with workflow automation, intelligent organization, secure file-sharing, and eSignature requests, all on one platform. The software is perfect for document management of businesses of all size across industries, including, construction, manufacturing, real estate, and healthcare.



If you are looking for the best document and project management software in one single platform, it has to be ISETIA. KL iTech Solutions is the authorized distributors of ISETIA, providing an integrated project management & document management functionality in a single platform. The software is fully adaptable & can be customized as per your project requirements. ISETIA covers all necessary tools for management, collaboration, editing and circulation of documents in a remarkable visualized manner. It lets you move from copy & paste, folder & subfolder standard to multidimensional transparent and multifunctional world of technology.

To know more about this effective document management and project management systems, get in touch with KL iTech Solutions today!





Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid For Efficient Construction Project Planning

Construction projects can be pretty complicated and come with numerous obstacles. The last thing you wish is to deal with a costly error that makes you absorb the repair expense into your budget. While certain obstacles are inevitable, some issues in the project life cycle can be evaded with right planning.

In this post, we will discuss the 4 most common construction project planning mistakes and how to avoid them.


Indistinct project scope:

The basic rule of project management is to have a solid, finalized, and transparent scope of work. A poorly written & misinterpreted scope statement is the #1 reason for project problems.

How to avoid it?

A statement of work is a vital element of a construction management plan that can make a great construction project even better. This can be a brief short document that encompasses the business need, the project vision, and high-level deliverables in and out of scope. Write a statement of work that’s comprehensive, clear, short, and logical, so it can be understood by everybody involved.


No risk management plan:

A complete risk management plan is a must-have in your construction operations. If a risk happens, construction project risk assessment lets you assure that every essential step was taken to fix the situation in the best possible way.

How to avoid it?

Project risks can be drastically reduced with the aid of the correct project management plan & software. Digital solutions aid better collect & analyse data to anticipate and lessen project risk more easily.

No communication plan:

According to the Project Management Institute, poor communication is the main reason why projects fall short almost thirty percent of the time. Communication hold-backs can happen in the construction site & in the office, causing project delays and cost overruns.


How to avoid it?

When it comes to keeping everybody involved on the same page, real-time communication is always better. Construction project management software like ISETIA aids set up this flow of communication by becoming one location for project planning & documentation. Your contractors & stakeholders can reference the project plan, check comments, view correspondence, and monitor status, budgets, and changes as they occur.

Not using construction management software:

Sometimes, ones-size-fits-all project management tools mayn’t entirely fulfil the requirements of different construction projects. When multiple tools are employed, things can get messy & delayed. Remember, one lost email can put the total project on hold.


How to avoid it?

The best thing about ISETIA Infrastructure Projects Construction Management software is it tackles all aspects of a construction project. All the communications, RFIs, documents, schedules, and more are housed in one single location. It makes managing projects & staying within a timeline very straightforward and manageable.

Contact KL iTech Solutions for more info about the use of ISETIA – the best Infrastructure Projects Construction Management software available today.

Why Collaboration Is the Key to Business Growth

Collaboration refers to 2 or more people working collectively to design, develop, test and manage workflows. Collaboration is turning out to be more entrenched in how we work. As per the 2017 WorkPlace Productivity and Communications Technology Report, more than two-thirds of employees’ time, or six hours out of 9 hours worked, was spent in communicating with other people.


Likewise, a study done by Planview discovered that:

  • 38% of respondents worked on cross-functional teams.
  • 70% worked with people both inside & outside of their organization.
  • 28% worked with team members placed in different nations.

The rise of remote working, especially in 2021 is also driving collaboration. Being a project manager, you perhaps manage team members who work remotely. Also you may work remotely and need to manage the project team from a different location to the rest of your team.


Successful collaboration provides numerous advantages to organizations including:

  • Fast problem resolution
  • Enhanced communication within and between departments
  • Better understanding within and between teams
  • Clear liability for tasks & deliverables
  • Engaged workers, leading to greater retention rates
  • Faster decision-making
  • Improved knowledge sharing and communication among team members
  • Improved Stakeholder communication

Collaboration is also the key to business growth. A 2017 survey published by the Harvard Business Review found that:

  • 81 percent of respondents felt both external and internal collaboration was key to their present success.
  • 68 percent of those who were prioritizing were ahead of their competitors.
  • Organizations reporting ten percent growth in the preceding 2 years were also focused on collaboration.

Of late, the large number of tools and apps accessible has risen up the drive for collaboration. Now teams can chat, share and co-edit documents, allocate work, prepare reports, automate tasks employing workflows and more no matter where they are.


Why opt for project management and collaboration software?

Collaborative software helps teams to plan, manage, and track projects by assimilating crucial information & communication into one secure location. There’s no scarcity of project management and collaboration software on the market at present. At KL iTech Solutions, our project management and collaboration software enables collaboration with internal and external parties by gaining access to the information and functionalities they require.


With deep industry knowledge, state-of-the-art technology and interface design, our RFI management software is fully integrated and brings digital transformation across all industries. Through our robust software suite, your team will get all of the project management tasks including changes, contracts, correspondence, drawings, documentation, quality control, scheduling, etc. So why wait? Contact KL iTech at info@klitech.in for more information.

Have A Complete Overview Of Your Project With The Best Project Management Software

Are you still recurrently updating spreadsheets, drowning in post-its and taking part in weekly update meetings but unable to access proper progress? That is really a waste of time & effort. You can have an absolute synopsis of your project in a glance, with a little aid from the best document and project management software.

Project management software is employed by a wide array of industries for project planning, resource allocation and scheduling. It allows project managers and the whole team to control their budget, quality management and all documentation exchanged throughout a project. Also, this software caters as a platform for simplifying collaboration among project stakeholders.


What are the key functionalities of a good project management tool?

From tracking down deliverables to managing resources and from budget management to collaboration with team members, there’s so much that needs to be taken into account while running & managing projects. This holds true while selecting the right project management tool as well. Listed below are the top five key functionalities of a good project management software.

Task lists – being able to assign & update the status of tasks so that everybody in your team is on the same page is important.


Schedules – many competent project management tools provide calendars, Gantt charts or milestone tools that help you comprehend where a task fits into the project as a whole and how much time there’s to finish it.

File sharing – being able to share & organise the crucial project documents minimizes time wasted on searching for files.

Communication – this is important in project management as a smooth flow of communication means fast & easy problem resolution.

Reporting: This is critical for all the project team members when it comes to updating themselves on the project as a whole. However this is also a massive bonus for project managers who wish to make sure that the project is progressing and tasks are being conducted in a prompt way.


Why Choose ISETIA for project and document management?

ISETIA is a fully integrated document and project management software which is fully adoptable and tailored to the needs of the customer. Since managing documents & project is one of the vital aspects of any business, ISETIA offer an integrated project management & document management functionality in a single platform.

Call KL iTech Solutions now if you are looking for the best Document and Project Management Software.